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          X-PMSP Program (Version 1.0)

            (X-Particle the Mass Stopping Power)

            by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan Artun

X-PMSP code

X-PMSP program (X-Particle the Mass Stopping Power and X are proton, deuteron, tritium, he-3 and alpha). The X-PMSP program comprises five thousands lines of code, and it has a visual interface by C# (C-sharp) programming language. That is why, X-PMSP program is considered as a user-friendly code for calculating the mass stopping power in the energy range between 1 MeV and 1000 MeV, and for the any energy increasing.

An application of X-PMSP program has been published in Applied Radiation and Isotopes, (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.06.006

X-PMSP program version 2.00 has been prepared for the mass stopping power and range calculations of mixtures, compounds and alloys
X-PMSP code
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